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Dark Night

Les étapes de la vision pénétrante: pertinence clinique pour les Interventions Basées sur la pleine Conscience (IBC)

Andrea Grabovac, MD, FRCPC

(traduction amateur personel)


Recherche Dark Night in Insight Meditation practice



- Article The Atlantic


Almost everyone who gets anywhere with meditation will pass through periods of negative emotion, confusion, [and] disorientation. …The same can happen in psychotherapy and other growth modalities. I would not refer to these types of experiences as 'dark night.' I would reserve the term for a somewhat rarer phenomenon. Within the Buddhist tradition, [this] is sometimes referred to as 'falling into the Pit of the Void.' It entails an authentic and irreversible insight into Emptiness and No Self. Instead of being empowering and fulfilling … it turns into the opposite. In a sense, it's Enlightenment's Evil Twin. This is serious but still manageable through intensive … guidance under a competent teacher. In some cases, it takes months or even years to fully metabolize, but in my experience the results are almost always highly positive. (lien) + vidéo 


- MCTB livre très complet, voire la partie IV.5 (Tu peux y trouver la résolution à prendre dans une telle crise)


- Le livre classique Birman qui contient tout (mais pas facile à lire) : Manuel of Insight et plus court Progress of Insight


- un très bon article Dharma practice and mental health / bipolar disorder / schizophrenia

Il y a un très grand parallèle entre les étapes que traverse une personne bipolaire et le Progress of Insight chez un méditant.


DPDR Shinzen Youg

Classic "Dark Night" or Clinical Issues? ~ Shinzen Young


VERY GOOD Enlightenment's Evil Twin: The Pit of the Void


- Autres articles sur la nuit noir de l’âme

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